Private vs. Public Schools: Which Option is Right for You?

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As a parent or guardian, you always want the best for your children. We get it, you want the best of the best for your kids. When it comes to schooling, parents often must decide between public and private school. In this article, we will discuss some of the differences between public and private school which will hopefully help you decide which is best for you.


The Basics: There is a great debate on whether to send children to public or private schools, with many factors to consider. The choice to attend a private versus a public school depends more on the individual student and family than any other factor. The most important thing you can do as you make this decision is think carefully about your child’s goals and needs, so you can best evaluate which schooling option is right for them. Here are some factors to consider.


Cost: Cost is an important factor that impacts the private and public-school debate. Private schools charge tuition whereas public schools are offered for free. Depending on the private school, it can also be as much or more than college tuition.


Demographics: According to the National Center of Education Statistics, 67% of students attending private schools were white in 2017. 11% were Hispanic, 9% were Black, 6% were Asian, and the remaining 7% were a mix of students from biracial, Pacific Islander or Native American backgrounds. However, many private schools have made efforts to increase diversity. There is also a debate about this because diversity is curated and not organic.


Performance: Research has consistently shown that private school students tend to perform better in standardized tests. Looking further, on college entry exams, NAIS found that students in private schools consistently outperformed their public school peers in all subject areas. However, these performance markers can also be explained by things like parents’ education, income and more.


School/Class Size: It is generally thought that smaller class sizes are better for students, however this may not be the case. Only when classrooms are in the 12-18 student range compared to the 25-28 student range, is there a difference. Smaller classes are observed to be richer in interactions and conversations, but there is also some evidence to suggest that larger classrooms can be better managed, and children learn somewhat more (in terms of facts).


Curriculum: When deciding to send their children to public or private school, curriculum is another factor to consider. At private schools, religious/moral instruction can play a part in the academic setting your child is experiencing. Whereas in public school, this is often not taught. Parents also may want to consider what kinds of courses public and private schools offer, as students may want access to a varied selection, such as honors and Advanced Placement classes.


Summary: Ultimately, the choice between private and public school depends on individual preferences, educational goals, financial considerations, and the specific offerings of the schools in question. If you would like to free up more time and focus on growing your small business, contact 4Wealth Financial Group LLC to learn more!


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